Speak now or forever hold you Peace

Speak now or forever hold you Peace

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Game Time! Game #1 :)

Hey Guys! Okay, every once in a while our blog will have a game that will go on all through the week! The prize will be a whole post dedicated to YOU, THE WINNER! So, how does it work? Easy! We ask a question such as: What Is Taylor Swift's favorite color? The answer will be hidden somewhere on this blog! It's usually going to be a 1-5 word answer, and the the answer to the question could be hidden on the about me, on a post comment, in the labels, ANYWHERE! And your answer must be where the question is asked (In the comments). So you all know how to play now SO, it is question time!
Question: What kind of farm did Taylor live on?
Now, you know the question go LOOK for the answer even if you know it! There will be a secret symbol after the last word of the answer, therefore it's fair for everyone! Happy Swifting everyone and GOOD LUCK!!!!

-Juliana Joyce <3
Oh btw, the winner will be the 13th comment, if we don't have 13 comments we will count 13 out in the comments :)

Oh yeah, AND this was the 13th post :D Congrats to everyone who read it, have a lucky day ;]


DghterOfAKing said...

Christmas Tree farm% JENCITA FTW